Are you tired of shelling out extra cash for Gravity Forms’ elite add-ons just to get webhooks? This insightful guide will show you how to integrate Gravity Forms with and without the hefty price tag. Let’s dive into the details and bring automation magic to your fingertips! 🎩✨

Why Gravity Forms?

Gravity Forms stands out as a powerful WordPress plugin, widely praised for its robust form-building capabilities. Whether you’re an advanced user or just getting started, Gravity Forms offers a myriad of features to build and manage forms efficiently. However, the limitation of webhooks being locked behind an expensive elite pack can be a significant drawback.

The Workaround: Creating an Email Listener

Here’s a nifty workaround that lets you set up webhooks without paying for the elite pack. By creating an email listener, you can utilize the basic version of Gravity Forms to achieve the same functionality. This method is simple, cost-effective, and remarkably efficient. 🌟

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Create an email listener in Use any email they provide.
  2. Set up a notification in Gravity Forms to send form information to this email.
  3. Include only the form ID and entry ID in the email notification.

This method ensures that only the necessary information is sent, simplifying the process and making it easier to manage.

Connecting Gravity Forms with

To connect Gravity Forms with, you’ll need to set up an API key in Gravity Forms and configure it in Follow these steps:

  1. Enable the API in Gravity Forms.
  2. Create an API key and note down the consumer and secret keys.
  3. Connect the API key with the Gravity Forms module in

The Magic of Regex

The most intricate part of this setup is the regex (regular expressions) to extract the form ID and entry ID from the email text. Here’s a breakdown of how to do it:

  • Run the email listener to get data into
  • Copy the relevant text and paste it into a regex tester.
  • Write regex code to match the form ID and entry ID.
  • Ensure you have spaces correctly accounted for and extended mode turned off.

Here’s an example regex to help you get started:


Utilizing the Data

Once you have the form ID and entry ID, you can use them to pull up the Gravity Forms entry in This allows you to map the data to any application, such as Airtable, Google Sheets, or any email system. 📊📧

Resubmitting Entries

If for some reason the webhook fails, Gravity Forms allows you to resend the notification. This feature is particularly useful as it eliminates the need for additional apps or custom PHP code changes.

To resend a notification:

  1. Go to Entries in Gravity Forms.
  2. Select the entry you want to resubmit.
  3. Click on Resend Notifications.

By following these steps, you can easily refire the webhook and ensure your data reaches its destination seamlessly. 🚀

Why This Method Is Superior

Compared to the built-in webhook functionality, this method offers greater flexibility and control over your data. Plus, you avoid the annual $259 fee for the elite add-ons pack.

This workaround is not only cost-effective but also more reliable. If a webhook fails, the built-in functionality lacks a simple way to resend it, whereas our method does. This makes it a robust solution for businesses looking to streamline their automation processes. 💪

Need Help?

If you’re having trouble setting up regex or need assistance with your business automation, feel free to schedule a free call today. We’re here to help you achieve seamless automation with and

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