Welcome to the ultimate guide on leveraging the power of Make.com’s array iterator and array aggregator modules! 🚀 If you’re diving into business automation using Bubble.io and Make.com, understanding these modules can be a game-changer. Let’s break down how they work and how they can optimize your workflows.

Introduction to Array Iterators and Aggregators

In this blog, we’ll explore the intricacies of array iterators and aggregators. These modules allow you to handle complex data structures by splitting arrays into individual elements (iteration) and then reassembling them as needed (aggregation). Understanding these processes can help you streamline data processing and integration between various systems.

Scenario Overview

Let’s start with a practical scenario. Imagine you have an XML file uploaded to a Google Drive folder, which triggers a series of actions in your Make.com scenario. This file contains data that needs to be parsed and processed. For instance, you might want to extract the first email address or handle multiple ordered items from a single order.

Parsing the XML File

The first step is to parse the XML file to make the data readable within your scenario. For straightforward data, you can directly map fields or use query strings. However, when dealing with nested arrays, such as ordered items within an order, things get a bit more complex. This is where array iterators and aggregators come into play.

Using the Array Iterator Module

The iterator module separates an array into individual elements, allowing you to process each element separately. For example, if an order contains 10 items, the iterator will generate 10 bundles, each representing one item. This modular approach enables precise control over each element.

Step-by-Step Process with Iterators

1. Initialize the Iterator: Start by setting up the iterator to handle the array of ordered items.

2. Process Each Item: For each item, execute a series of actions, such as checking if the item exists in another system (e.g., Xero) and creating it if it doesn’t.

3. Sequential Execution: Iterators process items one by one. Each item completes all steps before the next one begins, ensuring data integrity and proper sequencing.

Utilizing the Array Aggregator Module

Once the individual items are processed, the aggregator module comes into play. This module collects the processed items and bundles them back into a single array, conforming to the target system’s structure.

Step-by-Step Process with Aggregators

1. Initialize the Aggregator: Set up the aggregator to collect the processed items.

2. Define the Target Structure: Specify the format required by the target system. For instance, if you’re moving data to an invoicing system, ensure the keys and values match the expected structure.

3. Aggregate and Transfer: The aggregator compresses all individual bundles into a single bundle, ready for transfer to the next step in your scenario.

Practical Example: Handling Orders

Imagine you receive an order with multiple items. Using the iterator, you can:

  • Extract each ordered item.
  • Check its existence in the target system (e.g., Xero).
  • Create the item if it doesn’t exist.
  • Aggregate all items into a single array for the invoice.

This approach ensures that all items are correctly processed and transferred, maintaining data consistency and accuracy.

Why Choose Make.com Over Other Automation Tools?

Make.com stands out with its advanced array handling capabilities. Unlike other automation platforms, such as Zapier, Make.com offers robust tools to manage complex data structures. Understanding and utilizing array iterators and aggregators can significantly enhance your automation workflows, making data integration seamless and efficient.


Mastering array iterators and aggregators in Make.com opens up a world of possibilities for business automation. Whether you’re handling simple data transfers or complex nested arrays, these modules provide the flexibility and control needed to optimize your processes. Dive into Make.com today and unlock the full potential of your data workflows!

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